Three Truths for a Shattered Heart

I am excited to share a special guest post today from Stephanie Broersma, the Director of Reclaimed Ministry, Helping Women Heal from the Betrayal of an Affair. More information about Stephanie and Reclaimed Ministry can be found at the bottom this post.

Stephanie Broersma
, Reclaimed Ministry

Our emotions indicate thirst; our thirst indicates a need for Jesus.

They will neither hunger nor thirst, not will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.” Isaiah 49:10


Have you ever experienced cottonmouth?

I’ve now trained myself to always carry water in the car for the moments of parched panic or wear my hydration vest on runs over a particular distance to prevent dehydration meltdowns. I’ve experienced far too many times where my tongue sticks to the top of my mouth and skin becomes flaky simply because I was not drinking enough water.

Our spiritual lives parallel the same urgency for water. The need for a relentless pursuit of Thirst is what sustains a broken bride in the moments of discovering infidelity within her marriage. Growing up in the church, I can’t recall a point in my life without the knowledge of Jesus. I’ve maintained a relationship with Jesus, which in some ways, has created a non-threatening dependence on Him. It was my husbands confession to years of addiction and infidelity, where my faith became the very thing that restored my spirit and cast hope on our shattered marriage.

As I pursued personal restoration, God quickly reminded my soul of three important lessons that would offer me hope and healing. Lessons that continue to reap blessings in my life a decade later.


Admit you need Jesus.

Stubborn is one label I’d like not to be attached too. Unfortunately, it follows me around highlighting areas being refined daily by grace. Finding myself separated, without clear direction on how to fix the mess transferred through confession into my lap, crumbled any attempts at being stubborn. Weak and broken led me directly to my knees admitting the only way through was with Jesus.


Your narrative will increase your thirst or extinguish it.

Your narrative will increase your thirst or extinguish it. The Enemy immediately assigned lies to the swirling narrative which never seemed to shut off. Every lie screamed I wasn’t good enough. Learning the discipline to speak truth over every lie took practice and patience; humility and grace. My heart learned to fill our home with worship and scripture as an active defense to quiet the noise.



Cling to God’s attributes

God is a mountain spring of self-replenishing, life-giving water; a constant flow of hope and healing. When the emotions were scattered across the floor, God’s character remained constant; His love gentle. We’re not told life will hold one trouble and then be free of all hard and ugly things. John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble… But take heart! I have overcome this world.” God’s character remains the same, even on our worst days.

When hard things become a part of your story, go to the Source and drink from the well.


Prayer “God, thank you for leading me to springs of living water. Amen.”


About the Author

Stephanie Broersma is a living example of how God brings beauty from ashes in the lives of His children. Married since 2002, she and her husband, Tim, have walked through the valley of marital betrayal and come out the other side stronger, more in love, and fully devoted to Christ. She now heads Reclaimed Ministry, an organization that seeks to help other broken brides recover from the pain and devastation of marital infidelity. Stephanie and her husband have four children, and lives in the Northwest pocket of Washington State.


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Michelle Flaningan
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