I need hope for...

Looking for hope today?

I pray you find a renewed sense of hope in Jesus as you read through these posts and engage with God’s word.

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Do You Fear the Inevitable Future? With Leslie McLeod

Change is inevitable, right? Why is it so hard sometimes to accept the changes that come naturally in life? We will find out how Leslie McLeod’s life was impacted by three significant, inevitable changes: becoming an empty nest parent, menopause, and her parents aging process. Leslie candidly shares how the Lord met her in the…
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7 Red Flags of False Teaching

I’m excited for you to hear this episode with Dawn Hill. Dawn starts out by sharing her powerful testimony of how she left the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). We then discuss seven warning signs of false teaching, and Dawn gives very helpful, practical advice on what to do if you believe your church has adopted…
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Are You Unknowingly Following New Age Practices?

You won’t want to miss this conversation with Doreen Virtue, a whistleblower exposing new age deception. We talk about how she turned from the new age and discovered salvation in Jesus Christ alone. If that isn’t incredible enough she shares about how a family member prayed for her salvation and boldly shared the gospel with…
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