
Psalm 127:4 “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.”

Children are indeed a blessing, but that little blessing can be overshadowed by daily life. You may be knee-deep in diapers, toddler meltdowns, and visits to every park within a 20-mile radius right now. It can feel like there is no time to breathe. Although you want to draw closer to God in Bible study and prayer, there’s the matter of these small children…. Or big children… or teenagers (that’s me!)… or college kids.

Believe it or not, there is hope in parenting! These days are long, but the years are so short. I share family experiences here in the hopes that you will never give up on what God has called you to do as a mother.

You are never alone!

Following God

Teaching Your Kids How to Put Others First

  Have you ever seen your kid open the door and not hold it for the person behind them? Do you wish they would invite the kid sitting alone to eat lunch with them? I’ve thought this many times, and even said it out loud! Modeling Behavior Show selflessness through your actions. Children learn a…
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Feeling Overwhelmed

What God Taught Me About Being A Working Mom

  I always wanted to be a stay at home mom. For years I prayed that God would help align our financial situation with my heart’s desire. But my prayers seemed to be continually met with the realistic need for employment. So I continued to work outside of our home while attempting to be the…
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Guest Posts

When Your Child Hurts

Leslie McLeod My heart was encouraged by today’s guest blog post, and I hope yours will be too! Leslie McLeod is an artist and co-owner of a tech company with her husband. She has two grown children and shares with us today on how to help your hurting child. Please check out the links below…
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Feeling Overwhelmed

You Can Bring the Shoes to Me

“But my toes feel weeiiiirrrdd!” he cried as I adjusted his new sandals. I calmly reassured him that he could change back into his favorite slides as soon as we were done. Our passionate five-year-old was having a rough time adjusting to his new shoes that morning. He was having a difficult time managing all…
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Always Included

  How do I describe the man who made an indelible mark on my life? How do I honor the man who, with my mother, chose me for adoption?  It’s hard to find the words to paint an accurate picture for you. So first I’ll tell you a little bit about him.  My dad is…
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From the Heart of My Mother

If you know my family, you know that we did not come together in the typical fashion. As I give you a brief overview of how we came together, please understand I feel the weight of knowing there are not enough words to honor the love and sacrifice this family is built on. Our family…
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Feeling Overwhelmed

When You Feel Heavy Hearted

We are now finishing up the 8th week of shelter in place and our kids being sent home to complete school work through distance learning. Eight weeks sounds like such a long time, doesn’t it? Yesterday, it was announced that stay at home orders will remain in place until the end of May for many…
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Are My Kids Getting the Message?

Have you ever wondered if your parental messages are getting through to your kids? Sometimes I’m not sure if my sound motherly advice like, “grab a jacket, it’s cold outside” is hitting home with them when I see them run right past me with no jacket.  I often wonder the same thing  about sharing Biblical truth…
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A Season of Waiting

”This one is for you,” my husband said as he handed me the card from the stack of mail in his hand. Before I even opened it I knew what was inside. An invitation to a baby shower. As I opened the envelope and read the pretty card, all of the emotions came welling up…
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Michelle Flaningan
Hello, friend!

I’m so glad you stopped by!

I know life can be crazy sometimes, and it is my prayer that you find comfort, encouragement and hope here.

If we could get together in person I would offer you a cup of coffee and a cookie while we chat in our living room. There is a strong chance we would hear “Bruh” about 6,000 times in the background while my teenage sons battle it out in a video game! But since time and space aren’t always on our side, please grab a free resource, subscribe to my monthly newsletter, or enjoy clicking through some of my blog posts.

I would also love to connect with you on social media! You can follow me at the links below!

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