Knowing Who We Are

I never dreamed I would actually meet them, yet here we were on our way to do just that. The scenery went by in a blur as my mind anxiously played out every scenario possible. My parents offered encouraging words from the front seat, and we even came up with a code word in case one of us needed to end the visit. We were on our way to meet my biological parents, and I was still questioning my own reasons for going. Adopted at a young age, I had a great life up to this point. Sure, I was curious about what they were like, but meeting them had never been a longing.
We didn’t end up needing that code word, but the visit left me with much to think about. I arrived home physically safe that day, but inside I had been shaken to the core. In a few short hours I had gone from feeling safe and secure to completely vulnerable and exposed. People I had never known wanted to claim me as theirs.
Have you ever felt shaken?
You’re going about your life with goals and dreams, and then a situation arises that rocks your world. In a matter of moments everything has changed.
The bitter sting of betrayal.
The financially secure job that is is now gone.
The diagnosis you never thought would reach your family.
Friend, I know how vulnerable it feels when your world is shaken.
In times like these we can feel like our identity is called into question, and we may even wonder who we are.
But there is good news! We have been defined by a God who loves us like none other. Knowing Him ensures the ground we stand on is a firm foundation, no matter what crazy things life throws at us.
Peter’s words to his fellow believers hold true for us today.
1 Peter 2:9: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. ESV
You are chosen, and you belong to God.
A family friend reminded me of who I was the day I met my biological parents: one of God’s chosen people, and that will never change. I pray you know this is who you are too.
Life will come along and shake us, and when it does let us remember that our circumstances will never define us.
Now that we know who we are, let’s share with others the mighty works God has done!

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I’m so glad you stopped by!
I know life can be crazy sometimes, and it is my prayer that you find comfort, encouragement and hope here.
If we could get together in person I would offer you a cup of coffee and a cookie while we chat in our living room. There is a strong chance we would hear “Bruh” about 6,000 times in the background while my teenage sons battle it out in a video game! But since time and space aren’t always on our side, please grab a free resource, subscribe to my monthly newsletter, or enjoy clicking through some of my blog posts.
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