7 Red Flags of False Teaching
I’m excited for you to hear this episode with Dawn Hill. Dawn starts out by sharing her powerful testimony of how she left the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). We then discuss seven warning signs of false teaching, and Dawn gives very helpful, practical advice on what to do if you believe your church has adopted any of these practices. We both hope you be encouraged to trust Jesus Christ and his word as the authority for living the Christian life after listening to this episode! About Dawn: I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, a wife, a mother, and a sinner saved by grace. After coming out of a hyper charismatic/NAR church where I spent 18 years, I am passionate about sharing the truth with the written Word as the standard of authority for Christian living and instructions while being led by the Holy Spirit into maturity. After coming out of the NAR, I have understood the importance of teaching my children the truth concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ and not being mindful of what they are being taught by others and not placing burdens on them to change the world according to the NAR. Connect with Dawn here: https://www.facebook.com/lovesickscribeblog/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lovesickscribe/
website: http://www.lovesickscribe.com
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And Instagram: https://instagram.com/michelle.flaningan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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