Shining Bright As A Special Needs Mom with LaCinda Halls

Please join me in welcoming LaCinda Halls! She is a wife of 20 years to Nathan and mom of two children: Kyler, a smart, strong, water-polo playing college student at Fresno State, and Thomas, currently a partially mainstreamed nonverbal high school student who can pass gas on demand and is on the Autism Spectrum.

Lacinda talks about the age her son was when he was diagnosed with autism, and some of the symptoms, emotions, struggles, and adjustments she needed to make as a result.

We discuss practical areas of parenting a special needs child, as well as honesty with God through it all. If you are a special needs mom, Lacinda has a message for you. If you are not a special needs mom, this message is still for you!

About LaCinda: She loves vegetable gardening, watching British television shows, and sharing her love of the Bible with people of all ages. The love of God is for all His children, NO EXCEPTIONS! This truth continues to grow clearer to her as she loves and cares for Thomas. When not speaking, writing, or teaching, she hangs out with her family in her 70’s ranch-style house in Visalia, California.

Of course, LaCinda shares her favorite mom tip for Christmas, so you will not want to miss this conversation!

You can find LaCinda on Facebook at:
and Instagram at:
or on her website at:

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Michelle Flaningan
Hello, friend!

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