What God Taught Me About Being A Working Mom


I always wanted to be a stay at home mom. For years I prayed that God would help align our financial situation with my heart’s desire.

But my prayers seemed to be continually met with the realistic need for employment. So I continued to work outside of our home while attempting to be the best mom I could to our three little boys.

One cold winter day, a diagnosis of Type One Diabetes changed everything for our sweet six year old son.

Maybe now God would answer my prayers and allow me to be a stay at home mom!

I told God that I needed to be at home to help our family navigate this complex disease, and provide the best care possible.

The reality of our situation did not allow for such a drastic measure, but it did lead to an opportunity to work from home.

There was no insurance.

The hours were terrible.

This wasn’t the answer I expected.

My situation was looking pretty bleak. My heart’s desire was to be a more present mom for my boys, but with long work hours, I was present but not always available. My husband was supportive, but even he was beginning to wonder if this was the best solution for our family.

When we walk with Jesus there is always more in store for us than we realize. In John 16, Jesus speaks of the kingdom to come. He tells his followers that one day they will not have to ask anything of him (John 16:23), and that anything they ask the father in his name will be given to them.

But in the next verse he gets straight to the point, “Until now you have asked for nothing in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete” John 16:24 HCSB

I desired a change in my circumstances. What I didn’t understand was that true joy doesn’t come from my circumstances. I wanted a solution that would make life easier for my family, but I failed to realize that’s just what he was doing.

It’s been eight years since our son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Since that time, my employment has changed from working mom to work-at-home mom, and another chronic disease diagnosis has entered our family.

Working at home has been no easy road, as It has involved a temporary job, a furlough, and even a job elimination! But God has been my stronghold at each and every turn, and is showing me what complete joy really looks like.

I don’t know why God has called me to be a working mom. But I do know that through the years God has taken my bitterness toward the situation and turned it into a deep, unending joy.

I pray that you too will allow him to establish His complete joy in your life. Your prayers may be answered in unexpected ways, but they are still worth praying.

Your answer may come in a difficult package, but it’s an answer worth accepting.

God wants so much more for you than a short term solution. You can trust that in his answers to your prayers, he is creating a space for you to experience true joy regardless of your circumstances.


  1. Lisa Myus on September 3, 2023 at 9:37 pm

    Thank you for sharing. I can strongly identify with what you’ve gone through with being a working Mom and wanting to be a stay-at-home Mom. I’ve done both and they both came with their own share of challenges I had to work through. My kids are grown and gone now, but I still struggle with whether or not to be a working wife. I’m a writer now, but we still struggle because I am, and don’t make that steady second income. I believe God has me writing for a reason though, so I am determined to trust Him and follow His will in my life. And that I believe is what we’re all called to do.

    • Michelle Flaningan on September 8, 2023 at 8:47 am

      Thank you so much for sharing this, Lisa! May God bless you and your writing!

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Michelle Flaningan
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