Hello Friend!

I'm so glad you stopped by! I've created this space for you to draw strength for motherhood.

This is the place where biblical truth and practical resources intersect to empower and support you, as a busy Christian mom.

I'm a wife and mother to three teenage sons, and I know truth can become entangled with the chaos of everyday life. I also know that sometimes you just need a quick "how-to!"

Here you will find biblical truth and practical resources to help guide you in all aspects of family life.

I hope you'll take a few minutes to pick up a free resource and take a look around.

May the Lord bless you.

About Michelle

It is so nice to meet you! I am a wife and mom who started this journey after the Lord began to teach me to depend on him in motherhood. 

I am a graduate of Cedarville College, and I am a full-time working mom. When one of our sons was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2015, I began working from home. 

I am dedicated to providing biblical truth and practical resources for you.

I write about finding hope in motherhood here on my blog, and I have been published in Living by Design and The Joyful Life magazines. I am also a contributing author for the devotional book, Shepherd on duty: Promises You Can Trust through Arabelle Publishing.

My prayer for you is echoed in this verse:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Michelle Flaningan

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The Blog:

Teaching Your Kids How to Put Others First

  Have you ever seen your kid open the door and not hold it for the person behind them? Do you wish they would invite the kid sitting alone to eat lunch with them? I’ve thought this many times, and even said it out loud! Modeling Behavior Show selflessness through your actions. Children learn a…
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Grace for Your Hurt Feelings

“Are you sure you don’t want to take some pain reliever?” I asked my husband as we sat at the kitchen table. He had been dealing with a headache all morning, and his attempts at relieving it with coffee and breakfast had not worked.   The tone of his response was not what I expected,…
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What God Taught Me About Being A Working Mom

  I always wanted to be a stay at home mom. For years I prayed that God would help align our financial situation with my heart’s desire. But my prayers seemed to be continually met with the realistic need for employment. So I continued to work outside of our home while attempting to be the…
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Michelle Flaningan and Family