Michelle Flaningan

Following God

Hope! Plant, Sow & Reap

The other day my husband and I decided to go for an evening walk. As we made our way down the driveway I glanced back toward our house and behold! Our front flower bed was full of lovely daffodils! What a refreshing site during this pandemic that has us all social distancing and staying at…
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Feeling Overwhelmed

When You Feel the Weight of Worry

Psalm 34:4 “I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” ESV   “We don’t even have enough money to order a pizza?” He questioned as I intentionally stared down at my phone screen.  Our family had just arrived home from our day, and already I was holding back tears.…
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A Season of Waiting

”This one is for you,” my husband said as he handed me the card from the stack of mail in his hand. Before I even opened it I knew what was inside. An invitation to a baby shower. As I opened the envelope and read the pretty card, all of the emotions came welling up…
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Feeling Overwhelmed

A Big Change

Have you ever received life changing news when your plate seemed so full already? Our family received such news during the winter of 2015 when one of our twins (Lucas) was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Our family was living a pretty full life at the time. We had two full-time jobs, 3 young children…
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Michelle Flaningan
Hello, friend!

I’m so glad you stopped by!

I know life can be crazy sometimes, and it is my prayer that you find comfort, encouragement and hope here.

If we could get together in person I would offer you a cup of coffee and a cookie while we chat in our living room. There is a strong chance we would hear “Bruh” about 6,000 times in the background while my teenage sons battle it out in a video game! But since time and space aren’t always on our side, please grab a free resource, subscribe to my monthly newsletter, or enjoy clicking through some of my blog posts.

I would also love to connect with you on social media! You can follow me at the links below!

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