Michelle Flaningan

The Biblical Mom-alogue

Finding Peace As A Military Mom – with Christa Joy Spaeth

Christa Spaeth is a wife, mom of two boys, an unexpected author of two books and podcaster! She’s also a woman ignited with a burning passion to walk in the rhythm of God’s plan, each day. Back in 2022, she took a bold step, bidding goodbye to her long-standing career as a Registered Dietitian at…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

Three Lies the Enemy Uses to Target Moms and How to Overcome Them – with Julie Neils

In this episode I had a very powerful conversation with my friend Julie Neils on confronting the enemy’s lies. She breaks down the three top methods Satan uses to keep us from parenting our children from freedom in Christ. We discuss how the church and society often mislabel them or even give in to them,…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

Shining Bright As A Special Needs Mom with LaCinda Halls

Please join me in welcoming LaCinda Halls! She is a wife of 20 years to Nathan and mom of two children: Kyler, a smart, strong, water-polo playing college student at Fresno State, and Thomas, currently a partially mainstreamed nonverbal high school student who can pass gas on demand and is on the Autism Spectrum. Lacinda…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

The Long Road to Parenthood with Lindsay Tedder

In today’s episode, Lindsay Tedder shares about her and her husband Todd’s journey to parenthood through adoption. Following ten years of infertility, the Tedders had almost given up on becoming parents, but God! Lindsay shares about how the Lord took her from the depths of despair to finding out she would be a mother in…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

Pursuing Lost Sheep with Judith McNees

Judith McNees is a wife to Doug, mother to seven children, and contemporary Christian romance author. She shares about how the Lord met her in her struggles with parenting, her own physical pain, and a change in their place of worship. God used his church of committed Christians in various encounters to show Judith he…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

A House of Refuge with Amy Heeter

Have you ever thought about your home as a place of refuge for children? That’s just what Amy Heeter and her husband, Wes created. Amy and Wes have been married for 25 years. They have two adult children, and several other children have been grafted into their family through various circumstances. Amy and Wes have…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

Are You Holding Your Children Too Tightly? with Tracy Schaller

My guest this week, Tracy Schaller reflects on a time when she was faced with the reality of how tightly she was holding her children. She openly and honestly shares how this took place how she responded. Tracy has been married to her husband Mark for 34 years. They have 7 children between the ages…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

God’s Promise for Your Children

My guest on this episode is Nadia Vanecko. Nadia grew up in Brazil and moved to the United States when she met and married her husband, Mike. They have three children – Joshua, Damaris, and Caleb. Nadia shares about a time she received a very clear message from the Lord when she and her husband…
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Grace for Your Hurt Feelings

“Are you sure you don’t want to take some pain reliever?” I asked my husband as we sat at the kitchen table. He had been dealing with a headache all morning, and his attempts at relieving it with coffee and breakfast had not worked.   The tone of his response was not what I expected,…
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The Biblical Mom-alogue

Trusting God Through Waiting with Joanna Briley

If you are experiencing a season of waiting in your life, you won’t want to miss this episode! Today I’m talking with my friend Joanna Briley, who shares about a time in her life when the Lord asked her to wait. God used this time to teach and show her things that still impact her…
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Michelle Flaningan
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I know life can be crazy sometimes, and it is my prayer that you find comfort, encouragement and hope here.

If we could get together in person I would offer you a cup of coffee and a cookie while we chat in our living room. There is a strong chance we would hear “Bruh” about 6,000 times in the background while my teenage sons battle it out in a video game! But since time and space aren’t always on our side, please grab a free resource, subscribe to my monthly newsletter, or enjoy clicking through some of my blog posts.

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