Teaching Your Kids How to Put Others First

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Have you ever seen your kid open the door and not hold it for the person behind them? Do you wish they would invite the kid sitting alone to eat lunch with them? I’ve thought this many times, and even said it out loud!

Modeling Behavior

Show selflessness through your actions. Children learn a lot by observing their parents and caregivers. If you are demonstrating acts of kindness, generosity, and service, your kids are going to pick up on it. Where have they seen you go above and beyond for someone in need? Involve them in helping a neighbor rake leaves or in helping shovel their sidewalks.


Scriptural Stories and Lessons

Share stories from the Bible that highlight selflessness. Do you do family devotions? Share stories like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) or Jesus washing the disciples' feet (John 13:1-17), which illustrate powerful lessons on putting others first. Who are the Good Samaritans around them?


Memory Verses

Encourage your kids to memorize and reflect on Bible verses that emphasize selflessness, such as Philippians 2:3-4: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." This could even be done as a family. Write a verse down and place it on your refrigerator for everyone to learn each week.


Service Projects

Involve your kids in community service or church activities that focus on helping others. This can be anything from volunteering at a soup kitchen to participating in charity events. Are your kids old enough to serve in Children’s ministry or help you as a greeter at church? Collecting food for a nice Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas shopping for a family in need are a few other ways to help them get involved. Our church partners with another local church at Christmas to provide a gift shop for families in need. My sons have participated in various ways throughout the past several years. It has been a joy to see them serve willingly in this way.

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Discussion and Reflection

Have regular discussions about selflessness and why it is important from a biblical standpoint. Ask questions that encourage your kids to think about how they can apply these principles in their lives. This can be done around the dinner table or on the way to sports practice or dance lessons.



Pray with and for your children, asking God to help them develop a selfless heart. Encourage them to pray for others as well. Praise and Encouragement
Recognize and praise selfless behavior when you see it. Positive reinforcement can motivate children to continue acting selflessly. It’s too easy to focus on the things we want them to work on, but a little praise goes a long way.


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By consistently incorporating these elements into your family's routine, you can help your children understand and embrace the biblical call to selflessness. Before you know it, they will be asking you for ways to help those around them.

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